[sphinxcontrib-pseudocode] (2021): a sphinx-doc extension that allows one to write \(\LaTeX\) algorithm within sphinx-doc
[MIT 6.828] (2019 - 2019): self-study of MIT 6.828
[RustFS] (2018 - 2019): a user-space file system implemented in Rust
[shuati] (2017 - ): a collection of solutions to coding problems with offline test infrastructure
[Algo] (2016 - 2018): my solutions towards Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C
[Strata with Lease] (2018): enhanced Strata file system with Lease mechanism to support concurrent file access across processes
[HyperPebblesDB] (2018): a key-value store that is part of LevelDB family
[Active Learning for Neural Dependency Parsing] (2018): explored the idea of active Learning on Stanford Neural Dependency Parsing
[Part-of-Speech Tagging with LSTMs] (2018): built a BiLSTMs model with orthographic features
[Distributed Key-Value Store] (2018): built a distributed Key-Value Strore using eventually consistency model with two session guarantees: Read Your Writes and Monotonic Reads
[Bidirectional Bigram Model] (2018): built a bidirectional bigram model
[Identifier Inference through Neural Network] (2017): built N-gram and Neural Network language models to study the identifier naming convention problem
[Investigation of neural network architecture on MNIST digits dataset] (2017): implemented a FeedForward Neural Network and a Convolutional Neural Network for the handwritten digits classification task using Keras
[Modular reinforcement learning for 2D navigation] (2017): Used modular reinforcement learning to explore a 2D grid navigation task
[Gaussian process for human movement data] (2017): Used gaussian process regression to study human movement data
[Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis] (2017): implemented a FeedForward Neural Network and a Convolutional Neural Network for Sentiment Analysis using Tensorflow
[Shift-Reduce Parsing] (2017): implemented a shift-reduce parser to generate dependency trees using both a greedy model and a global model with beam search (logistic regression, Structured SVM, arc standard transition system, beam search)
[Sequential CRF for NER] (2017): implemented HMM model for POS tagging and CRF model for NER (forward-backward algorithm, viterbi algorithm, beam search)
[ICA on mixed signals] (2017): implemented ICA to perform blind source separation
[PCA on handwritten digits] (2017): implemented PCA on handwritten digits data and run KNN to capture the major features of the images
[OptiTimal] (2012): an android application that allows user to track their time allocation and obtain a statistical report about their time management
Over the years, I made some notes in different places. Some of them serve well for future references.
[Write Amplification of File Systems] (2018): An empirical study of write amplification of file systems with focus on the journaling impact
[Data Center TCP (DCTCP)] (2018): A presentation on paper Data Center TCP (DCTCP)