"Dandelion: a Compiler and Runtime for Heterogeneous Systems"
How to design a system that provides programmability for heterogeneous distributed systems?
Challenges are
- Heterogeneous: different programming models, architecture expertise
- Distributed resources: data movement, scheduling
- Concurrency: synchronization, consistency
System Design
Goals: make it simple for programmers to write high performance applications for hetergeneous system on a small cluster with GPUs and leverage its available resources
- Single programming interface for clusters with CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, etc
- "Single machine" programming model: programmer writes sequential code
Runtime: take sequential program and do the following whenever possible
- Parallize computation
- Partition data
- Runs on all available resources
- Maps computation to best architecture
- Given User program & partitioned data files as input
- Compile to a mix of CPU and GPU code and run on the cluster (Dandelion role)
- Output result as partitioned data files
- Simple programming model
- Integerate multiple runtime efficiently to enable high performance
Dandelion innovation by levels
Programming languages
- Adopt language integration approach (LINQ): extends with Dandelion specific operators
- Constraints: UDF must be side-effect free; execute .NET function with dynamic memory allocation on CPUs only
- Automatically compiles a data-parallel program to run on distributed heterogeneous systems
- Translation of .NET byte-code to multiple backends (e.g., GPU, FPGA)
Distributed and parallel runtime
- Treat hetergeneous system as the composition of a collection dataflow engines
- Three dataflow engines: cluster, mult-core CPU, and GPU (e.g., use PTask)
Two main components
- Dandelion compiler generates the execution plans and the worker code to be run on the CPUs and GPUs of cluster machines
- Dandelion runtime uses the execution plans to manage the computation on the cluster (e.g., scheduling, distribution)
Dandelion Compilers
Dandelion compiler generates CUDA code, and three levels of dataflow graphs to orchestrate the execution
Relies on a library of generic primitives (GPU primitive library) to construct execution plans
GPU primitive library: for GPU dataflow graph
- primitives include low level building blocks (e.g., parallel scan and hash tables), high-level primitives for relational operators (e.g., groupby and join)
Compiling C# to GPU code
Translation performed at .NET byte-code level
- Map C# types to CUDA structs
- Translate C# methods into CUDA kernel functions
- Generate C# code for CPU-GPU serialization/transfer
Main constraint: dynamic memory allocation
- Convert to stack allocation if object size can be inferred
- Fail parallelization, fallback to host otherwise
Use Common Compiler Infrastructure (CGI) framework for the intermediate AST
Dandelion Runtime
Dataflow graphs
- Vertex: a fragment of the computation
- Edge: communication channels
Three levels:
- cluster level (what machine to compute what): cluster execution engine assigns vertices to available machines and distributes code and graphs, orchestrating the computation
- machine level (how the computation is done on each machine): executes its own dataflow graph, managing input/output and execution threads
- GPU level (use PTask as GPU dataflow engine)
Three dataflow graphs (shown above) form the Dandelion runtime, and the composition of those graphs forms the global dataflow graph for the entire computation
Cluster dataflow engine ("Moxie")
- Allows the entire computation to stay in memory when the aggregate cluster memory is sufficient (assume work on a small cluster with powerful machines with GPUs)
- Holds intermediate data in memory and can checkpoint them to disk (like Spark)
- Aggressively caches in-memory datasets (including intermediate data)
- Uses async. checkpoints to support coarse-grained fault tolerance
Machine dataflow engine
- Vertex: a unit of computation can be executed on CPU or GPU
- For CPU: parallelize the computation on multi-core
- For GPU: dispatch computation to GPU dataflow engine
- Async channels are created to transfer data between the CPU and GPU memory spacs
GPU dataflow engine
Use PTask execution engine
- a token model dataflow system
- tasks: computation or nodes in the graph
- ports: inputs and outputs of the tasks
- Channels: connects ports
- datablocks: deseralized data into chunks that are moved through channels
- Computation are done by pushing and pulling datablocks to and from channels (Future)
- A task is ready for execution when all of its input ports have available datablocks and all of its output ports have capacity