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Modify array inside function in C

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In this post, I want to write down the lesson learned about modifying array inside a function in C with an example from MAW 3.15.a:

Write an array implementation of self-adjusting lists. A self-adjusting list is like a regular list, except that all insertions are performed at the front, and when an element is accessed by a Find, it is moved to the front of the list without changing the relative order of the other items.

In general, there are two cases when we need to use functions to work with array. Let's examine accordingly.

Modify the array content

Let's take a look at the following sample function first:

void change(int *array,int length)
  printf("array address inside function: %p\n", array);
  int i;
  for(i = 0 ; i < length ; i++)
      array[i] = 5;

and in our test function we do:

void test_change()
  int i, length = 3;
  int test[3] = {1,2,3};

  print(test, length);
  printf("before change, test address: %p\n", test);
  change(test, 3);
  print(test, length);
  printf("after change, test address: %p\n", test);

The output looks something like:

Before:1 2 3
before change, test address: 0x7fffffffe050
array address inside function: 0x7fffffffe050
After:5 5 5
after change, test address: 0x7fffffffe050

Let's examine our change function under gdb.:

p array
$1 = (int *) 0x7fffffffe050

shows us that actually array is a pointer to int with the address 0x7fffffffe050.:

(gdb) p *0x7fffffffe050
$3 = 1

If we take a look at what value hold the address, we can see that it's 1, which is the first element of our int test[3] array. This leads to our very first important observation:

  • When pass an array to a function, it will decay to a pointer pointing to the first element of the array. In other words, we can do p *array in gdb and get 1 as well.

Since the size of int under my system is 4 bytes (check by p sizeof(int) in gdb), and let's examine the four conseuctive bytes with starting address 0x7fffffffe050:

(gdb) x/4bx array
0x7fffffffe050: 0x01    0x00    0x00    0x00

As you can see, this is integer 1. Now, let's start with the first iteration of the loop in change. Once we finish the iteration, i becomes 1 and let's see what change to our array:

(gdb) p array[0]
$12 = 5

(gdb) p array
$13 = (int *) 0x7fffffffe050

(gdb) p *0x7fffffffe050
$10 = 5

(gdb) x/4bx array
0x7fffffffe050: 0x05    0x00    0x00    0x00

We can see that the first element of our test array becomes 5 and the starting address of our array is still 0x7fffffffe050. In other words, the only thing changed is the value that address 0x7fffffffe050 holds. In addition, if you take a look at the array address output, you can see that before the function call, during the function call, and after the function call, the array address doesn't change at all: 0x7fffffffe050. This leads to our second observation:

  • We can change the contents of array in the caller function (i.e. test_change()) through callee function (i.e. change) by passing the the value of array to the function (i.e. int *array). This modification can be effective in the caller function without any return statement.

  • However, doing so, we doesn't change the address of the array. It seems that array is a local variable inside both caller function and callee function. Its address is copied and passed from test_change to change:

    Inside change:
    array ----->  -> | 1 | 2 | 3|
                 /-> +---+---+--+
    test --------

Let's verify above observation with another function change2:

void change2(int *array,int length)
  printf("array address inside function: %p\n", array);
  int i;
  int tmp[3] = {5,5,5};
  array = tmp;

With the similar test program test_change2() we get the following output:

TEST: change2
Before:1 2 3
before change, test address: 0x7ffda5b41bc0
array address inside function: 0x7ffda5b41bc0
After:1 2 3
after change, test address: 0x7ffda5b41bc0

change2 is very tempting because we assign array points to tmp, which let test inside test_change2 points to tmp as well. However, this is wrong and the output confirms our observation above: array is local variable to the caller function and callee function, and when we pass a array into a function, the address is passed (copied) from caller to callee. After that, address inside callee can reassign and will have no effect on the array (address) in caller. In other words, even though the address inside change2 and test_change2 are the same, but they are independent with each other:

after change2:

test  ---------> | 1 | 2 | 3|

tmp   ----->  -> | 5 | 5 | 5|
             /-> +---+---+--+
array -------

What if we want to modify test itself inside test_change2 beyond the content of the array. What if we want to resize the array to make it hold more values?

Modify the array itself

Before we start to answer the above question. Let me clear out an important concept: "array on stack" and "array on heap".

"array on Stack" with the declaration looks like int test[3] = {1,2,3} in our test routines. The array declared like this stays on the stack and local to the function calls. "array on heap" is the dynamic array involving malloc, which I mention in the previous post. When we talk about resize the array, we mean the latter case. In other words, we can only change the array itself (number of elements) with dynamically allocated array in the heap.

Let's take a look at change3:

change3(int **array, int length)
  int* tmp = calloc(length, sizeof(int));
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
    *(tmp+i) = 5;
  *array = tmp;

and our corresponding test routine test_change3():

void test_change3()
  printf("TEST: change3\n");
  int i, length = 3;
  int* test = calloc(length, sizeof(int));
  test[0] = 1;
  test[1] = 2;
  test[2] = 3;
  print(test, length);
  printf("before change, test address: %p\n", test);
  change3(&test, length);
  print(test, length);
  printf("after change, test address: %p\n", test);

The first task is to understand int **array. There is a template sentence when comes to C type declaration: "<VariableName> is ... <typeName>". In our case, The template sentence becomes "array is ... int". Now let's work out the "..." with "right-left" rule:

"go right when you can, go left when you must"

In our case, we start with "array" and go right, and nothing left with declaraiton. So, we must go left. the first symbol is *, which reads as "pointer to". So now our template sentence becomes "array is pointer to ... int". Great! Let's continue to go left, we see another *, which makes our sentence becomes "array is pointer to pointer to ... int". Then we meet int, which means all the symbol in the declaration is consumed and our sentence is complete: "array is pointer to pointer to int". This means array variable itself is a pointer containing an address of a pointer, which holds an address of a int.

Let's see if this is true with gdb.:

(gdb) p array
$1 = (int **) 0x7fffffffe070

(gdb) p/a *0x7fffffffe070
$8 = 0x601010

(gdb) p *0x601010
$7 = 1

(gdb) p *array
$2 = (int *) 0x601010

(gdb) p **array
$3 = 1

The address holds by array is 0x7fffffffe070. We further examine the value holds by 0x7fffffffe070 and by our assumption, it should be another address and it is: 0x601010. Then, we check the value hold by that address, which is expected 1 the first element of our test array.

Our goal is to let test array in test_change3() be 5,5,5:

Before change3

test  ---------> | 1 | 2 | 3|

tmp   ---------> | 5 | 5 | 5|

After change3

tmp   ---------------> | 5 | 5 | 5|
                   /-> +---+---+--+
test(array) -------

From the picture we can see that we want to modify array inside change3 pointing to 5,5,5 and this change will persist to the test array in our caller function. In other words, we want both test and array no longer independent but want them "tie up" as the same pointer with different names. How do we do that?

The solution is given by change3 but we really need to think about why it makes sense. Firstly, we want to use gdb to examine the address of key variables:

(gdb) p array
$4 = (int **) 0x7fffffffe070
(gdb) p *array
$5 = (int *) 0x601010
(gdb) p (*array)+1
$14 = (int *) 0x601014
(gdb) p (*array)+2
$15 = (int *) 0x601018
(gdb) p *(*array)
$18 = 1
(gdb) p *(*array)+1
$16 = 2
(gdb) p *(*array)+2
$17 = 3

(gdb) p tmp
$7 = (int *) 0x601030
(gdb) p tmp+1
$8 = (int *) 0x601034
(gdb) p tmp+2
$9 = (int *) 0x601038
(gdb) p *tmp
$10 = 5
(gdb) p *(tmp+1)
$11 = 5
(gdb) p *(tmp+2)
$12 = 5

We first print out the array address of each element and we print out the tmp address of each element. With the information above, let's compose our conceptual picture:

Before *array = tmp;

   4 bytes                                         4 bytes
|  1        | 2         | 3        |   ...      |    5      |     5    |  5     |  ...  | 0x601010 | ...
^           ^           ^                       ^           ^          ^                ^
0x601010   0x601014     0x601018                0x601030    0x601034   0x601048         0x7fffffffe070
                                                tmp                                     array

Now, let's execute *array = tmp, we get the following:

(gdb) p *array
$19 = (int *) 0x601010
(gdb) p *array
$20 = (int *) 0x601030

Now the picture looks like:

After *array = tmp;

   4 bytes                                         4 bytes
|  1        | 2         | 3        |   ...      |    5      |     5    |  5     |  ...  | 0x601030 | ...
^           ^           ^                       ^           ^          ^                ^
0x601010   0x601014     0x601018               0x601030    0x601034   0x601048        0x7fffffffe070
                                               tmp                                    array

We don't modify the address of the array itself (still 0x7fffffffe070) but the content that stored at 0x7fffffffe070 which is no longer 0x601010 but 0x601030, which is the starting address of the tmp: 5,5,5. This may seem like magic. However, in C, a variable (i.e. test in test_change3()) is merely a synonym for address. by invoking change3 through &test, we pass in the address 0x601010 via a carrier 0x7fffffffe070, and we modify the address to 0x601030 and send the address back again through carrier.

With this understanding, we can see why the output looks like:

TEST: change3
Before:1 2 3
before change, test address: 0x601010
After:5 5 5
after change, test address: 0x601030

Hoepfully, after our examination, we can understand arrayInsert for MAW 3.15.a proposed at the beginning of the post:

arrayInsert(int elem, int** list, int length)
  *list = realloc(*list, sizeof(int) * (length+1));
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
    (*list)[length - i] = (*list)[length-i-1];
  *((*list)) = elem;

Get the complete source code.


  1. If you would like to read more about decoding C type declarations. You can read more here:
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